Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CND's Digital HQ gives me LIFE! (#9)

There is no surprise that the World Wide Web has created opportunities for various brands to flourish and get noticed. There are numerous platforms available today, such as Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, etc. I personally adore companies that can satisfy my retinas on the daily. CND has definitely done this! Their Digital Headquarters focuses on bringing life to fashion through various nail colors and designs. They have revamped their digital presentation with highlights from Fashion Week shows, as well as, their collaborations with designers. This is a very creative and new design that brings more notice to their company. Since nails have become a popular way of expression and essentially an extension of fashion, there is no telling how far CND can expand it's brand!

Click here to see CND's Digital Headquarters!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    First off, cool blog! Thanks for posting the link to CNDs headquarters, so that we could take a look. Digital headquarters are definitely an important factor in a company’s success and reach to its target market. It is clear that CND has one of the more creative & innovative digital HQs. They even have coverage of fashion week!
    You shined light on a unique format that none of our classmates have really touched upon.
    Great job!

